Thursday, May 18, 2006

More News From Ramadi, Blackhole of the Occupation

"US soldiers use all the power that they can get from tanks and helicopters that attacked many houses and killed many people (most of the victims were civilians).
This time the US soldiers chose my house to use it as snipers base. At 3 am 10s of US soldiers destroyed the outer gate of my house and came in the house while my family were sleeping …..they hid in the garden for a while. I was woken up. I heard their sounds and steps. After awhile they got inside after crashing the two main doors of my house. Then I came out of my room to show myself with some English words that can help my family to avoid the harmful reaction of the American way of getting in the bedrooms.

The US soldiers shouted on me ” Freeze! Turn back to the wall with raised hands now!” the US soldiers shouted on me.

I did what he asked me. Another US soldier inspected me then he said “he is clean” he said for the officer who was watching me carefully……there was three Iraqi soldiers whose cant speak English at all…….but they where speaking each to other
” OK….. can you help US to finish our job here……we need you to tell us about this house and what kind of people living here.” "
Alive in Baghdad
You know this is about the third story I see like this, Soldiers attack a house, they break in shouting orders and throwing stun grenades. Then the Iraqi guy that always comes out to see what's up need to go back into the house to wake up the rest of the family. In this version everyone wakes up and are OK in the end, in other versions the soldiers shoot the rest of the family while they sleep. Are these people asleep or are they in a heroine induced coma? How is it that the rest of the family never hears when the soldiers bust down the door, or the screaming, or the stun grenades, or when they ram the front gates, or knock a hole in the perimeter walls. How come in all these stories only the master of the house wakes up? I think I'm becoming suspect of this story template, someone needs to write them a new one.


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