Thursday, February 09, 2006

Iraq: A Letter from the Prophet Muhammad to the Assyrian Christians

"Qualified Islamic scholars and the Assyrian/Chaldeans acknowledge the authenticity of this letter, also known as the Charter of Protection. The past eight years I have brought this letter to the top Islamic scholars, they read it and are quiet in reflections, and all have said yes, this is a recognized letter from the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him. It jolts us all to the reality concerning the current events surrounding the Iraqi Christians, including recent bombings of the churches.

Less knowledgeable Muslims and imams, like those in Mosul have issued fatwas against the Assyrian/Chaldean Christians based solely on misperceptions and illogical links to the controversial caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him and also Western Christians. First, the Assyrian/Chaldeans have absolutely nothing to do with the caricatures or the EU and the US. Second, the Christians of the East feel abandoned by Christians around the world. Outside an occasional burst of protest about their continued persecution in Iraq, there has been little serious aid or support. Many of the Iraqi Christians have fled to Syria because this is the only door open to them for safety. The US and EU has made it so difficult to immigrant, under religious persecution and now Syria is becoming a hotbed for conflict."
Pears of Iraq


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