Friday, January 27, 2006

what to do from here?

Is it just me? Or is this the stupidest thing this administration has ever done. This goes beyond any mistakes, this is a premeditated war crime. Am I wrong, or isn't there a Serbian general on trial right now for doing something like this?

What do we do, where do we go from here. Are we at the bottom, or is the next revelation going to be even worse.

I have never supported impeachment, but I don't know what else to think right now. Is there some other way, should congress censer, can they? what to do from here?


Blogger madtom said...

Well you have to take these two known cases with the resent release of 5 women. You think the two are connected? If we know of two, and suspect another five all in the past week, this tells me that there are probably many more.

Sense when are the wives and children responsible for their husband/fathers acts?

I can tell you one thing, this is a dream come true for the terrorist propaganda campaign, I talk of impeachment for the utter stupidity of these actions, not to mention their illegality, its against the GC, it's against US Law. I mean if you think this is such a great idea, why not expand it a little, why not detain the entire family and extended clan, you know like we are accusing saddam of doing.

Were they raped and murdered in front of their children as would be in the best traditions of the region? Were they otherwise mistreated in any other way beyond detention?

Which is why everyone will be ready to believe that they were, why allegations of such behavior will sweep across the region like wildfire, why no amount of denial will satisfy the masses. The women will likely be killed in honor killings anyway, making any defense mute.

though you have absolutely no reason to think had any knowledge of the two incidents or had any part in the decision making that went into it.

So the CIC should not be implicated in a way in the crimes of those under his command, but the wives, sisters, and children of suspects should.

12:08 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Why would you exclude wives and sisters from the effort?

Because they were kidnapped for the sole propose of pressuring their husbands to surrender, or at least that's what I took from the memo, "leave a note on the door", kidnappers leave ransom notes. Had the women been arrested for complicity in some terrorist activity, they would not have left a note offering an exchange.
How can anyone justify this outrageous abuse of power, these were by definition civilians

That this will add to some rampant instatiable rumor mill about the abuses and motives of US soldiers--that horse left the barn a long time ago and is never going to come back.

But these illegal acts only serve to feed the hysteria, they add fuel to the fire. I don't see the up side, what I see is and ever increasing insurgency, now we know one very good reason for that. If I was your average Iraqi trying to stay on the sidelines, and this happened to my sister or aunt, or even a friend of a fiend, of a friend, I would consider joining the insurgency, I would consider it very seriously.

I think your throwing in the I thought you were a big supporter of women in war? is a great big red herring, who's only propose is to distract from the issues at hand.

4:30 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

I had a brilliant, well thought and compelling response, but this comment utility ate it.

I always compose my comments in the new message editor of my e-mail program, then I copy and past to blogger. That way if blogger eats it I still have it in the other window.

Maybe you were posting military gay porn links at the time.

I did no such thing, anonymous posted the link. Anyway why do news stories about websites never carry the link?

When I came back here I saw the counter column post you put up and it is pretty much in line with what I was thinking, though it probably goes a little further than I would.

He seems to think it's a great idea, I don't and the feed back I've gotten from my Iraqi friends seems to be in line with my thinking.

There is NOTHING in them to indicate that the soldiers went out and executed a plan to 'kidnap' innocent wives of known terrorists and to hold them for 'ransom'

Not even the note left on the door? what was the note for, do they always leave a note on the door when the arrest someone. Do they leave notes when they arrest the males?

I admit I always give the benefit of the doubt to US soldiers

So do I, I don't blame the troops for following orders, I blame the fool giving stupid orders, i.e. the president, that's why I bring up "impeachment", and not court marital.

This handwringing is a luxury we may not be able to afford much longer. My sense is that people are beginning to realize we are at war with radical Islam, which includes mor of them than we thought, and we can no more reason with or placate them than we could Hitler.

At no point did I have I advocated "reason with or placate them" as a tactic in this war. All I have said is that we are the US and we should fight on our terms, and not lower our standards to match the enemy's. that is a sure recipe for disaster.

6:32 PM  

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