Thursday, January 19, 2006

Paying tribute to and supporting those who have sacrificed for our nation

"The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund is constructing a world-class state-of-the-art advanced training skills facility at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. The center will serve military personnel who have been catastrophically disabled in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The center will also serve military personnel and veterans severely injured in other operations and in the normal performance of their duties, combat and non-combat related.

The center will encompass a 60,000 square foot structure, providing ample space and facilities for the rehabilitation needs of the patients and their caregivers. It will be constructed on a site sufficient in size to meet the needs of the center’s patients and caregivers and will include $3.5 million in top of the line indoor and outdoor facilities."
Fallen Heores Fund
Support the troops, it's more than a slogan


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