Google Rebuffs Feds on Search Requests
"SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc. is rebuffing the Bush administration's demand for a peek at what millions of people have been looking up on the Internet's leading search engine — a request that underscores the potential for online databases to become tools for government surveillance.I said it once and I'll say it again, Hail Google. I am even thinking of boycotting those other search engines that caved in to pressure from the government...
Mountain View-based Google has refused to comply with a White House subpoena first issued last summer, prompting U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales this week to ask a federal judge in San Jose for an order to hand over the requested records.
The government wants a list all requests entered into Google's search engine during an unspecified single week — a breakdown that could conceivably span tens of millions of queries. In addition, it seeks 1 million randomly selected Web addresses from various Google databases.
In court papers that the San Jose Mercury News reported on after seeing them Wednesday, the Bush administration depicts the information as vital in its effort to restore online child protection laws that have been struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court."
It is outrageous that the government would seek this kind of information of try to enforce that travesty of a law. What the hell is objectionable material anyway, and can you imagin having to register with the goverment to view said material? wake up America. It reminds me of something someone from Iraq told me today, his server blocks access to this blog, why you ask, it simple, the title of this blog. Is that what you want, having to register as a viewer of objectionable material just to see this fucken stupid blog! The supreme court was right on the money wen it rejected that stupid law.
Parent need to protect their children not the government.
It's a sad day in America when the liberal have to protect us from an over reaching government. Hail Google
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