Wednesday, December 07, 2005

2005 Weblog Awards

"I opened my email this morning and found out I'd been nominated for "Best Military Blog" in the 2005 Annual Weblog Awards. The rules are simple, you can vote once a day until the poll closes. I'll post the link on the off chance you'd like to send me a vote for Christmas. 2005 Weblog Awards

And on the subject of voting.....
Ends up the Weblog Awards aren't the only Milblog contest, this site is also in the running for a "Milbloggie" at All you have to do is register, click on my site link, and “Add To Favorites.” You can only vote once on this one, so each vote counts quite a bit."
365 and a Wakeup
Hey come on and support the troops, it's easy all you have to do is click away!


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