Saturday, November 12, 2005

Seventy nine returned to their slave master.

"Our friend Ziva, from Blog for Cuba, has the story in detail.
I would love to know how somebody would have reacted if slaves were being returned to their slave master. Or escapees from concetration camps to Hitler. Or inmates from a Russian Gulag to Stalin. What would be the reaction if a woman was turned back to the mullahs to be stoned to death, or a hostage to his Islamic terrorist captors to be beheaded. I would love to know why the American press, the American academia, Hollywood and all the splinter groups from the left are still in love with a mass murderer, fidel cagasstro, and my absolute tops would be to know why the Caribbean Wall of Shame is still standing. Those are my questions to the Cuban American politicians and to President Bush. Aren't we Cubans valuable enough? "
Actually I'm convinced that those inoculations that are given to the new arrivals include a stupid serum. You know like the AIDs that we put in the polio vaccine we send to Africa.


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