Thursday, October 06, 2005

Iraqis Get Copies of Draft Constitution

"BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraqis on Thursday began picking up copies of the draft constitution that they will vote on next week, after the country's Shiite-led parliament ended a bitter dispute with Sunni legislators about how the referendum will be conducted.

Like other Iraqis, Lamia Dhyab picked up her copy at the small shop where she presents her ration card in south Baghdad each month to get government-subsidized food for her family.

"We are going to read the draft constitution. If we like it, we will vote yes. If we don't, we'll say no," said Dhyab, who was wearing a chador, the traditional head-to-toe black outfit that Muslim women often wear."
It's about time, if they would have waited any longer Iraqis would have had to vote without ever seeing the draft. Giving them a week to study this document isn't exactly great, but at least they get a chance to read the thing. For me it just adds more suspicions about this draft.


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