Thursday, June 16, 2005

Return to Namelessville

"It wasn't the report of a rifle or the shock wave of an IED that broke the silence. It was the keening cry that seemed to blaze a sonic trail behind the children racing one another back to the village. As the vehicles pulled into overwatch positons the sound only grew, until the sound of children's breathless laughter pierced the armor and drowned out the growling turbo diesels. By time the engines shuddered to a halt the vehicles were awash in a universe of smiling children and hopeful parents....

...Meanwhile something altogether unheard of was occurring... the children were self organizing. For a moment entropy stopped in its tracks and that rarest of creatures, good order, seemed to spontaneously appear. It was if a phoenix was rising from its own chaotic ashes - its every feather in perfect alignment. And surprisingly the children remained patient as SPC Rivers pulled out the box of sandals. By time the box was empty all the children were proudly parading around in their new sandals, stopping every few steps to admire their feet like little hens. The troops spent a few more minutes conversing with the heads of the household before moving back toward their vehicles. The children followed in a giggling, smiling group to see the soldiers off."
365 and a Wakeup
You would think that this report would bring a smile to my face, but if you could see me, you would see the serious look that this report brings. The reaction of these children could be a death sentence for them if witnessed by the wrong people. They have been targeting this type of behavior for a while. They understand all to well that for them to have any chance to succeed that they need to install hate and fear when it comes to Americans, or any other foreigner. And they will install that fear even if the only real fear is that of participation.


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