Thursday, June 02, 2005

It is called freedom.

"Now it seems we Cubans in exile are an ever growing community on the internet. Id like to call attention to two of these Cuban-Internetians in particular.

First, we have the brand spanking new blog of Babalu reader and commenter Songacuassal, which is chock full of excellent Cuba related items, news and editorials. Coño, Songa, welcome aboard this crazy blog trip, mi hermano. Es un placer y un orgullo asere.

I also want to call your attention to the website of another Babalu reader: Fishfan, who offers us TrenBlindado, a true labor of love where you can read about the true story of the armored train car of Santa Clara during the beginning of fidel castro's revolution."
Babalu Blog
And you should also read
`Our only luggage was hope'


As a child I had an experience that taught me the price that individuals are willing to pay for freedom.

I was only 7 years old and living in communist Cuba. My parents yearned for freedom and dreamt of coming to America. They secretly planned to escape, along with 72 others who shared their dream. We embarked on a wooden tugboat. Our only luggage was hope, but in that attempt, 41 lives were lost. Among them, my mother and brother. My father refused to give up hope, and a short time later, we risked our lives in a second attempt, but on this occasion, aboard a raft."
Babalu Blog


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