Monday, June 20, 2005

Buen Provecho

**Warning non political Cuban lifestyle post**
"Comida Criolla.

One of the most distinct things about the Cuban culture is its food. It's a conglomeration of influences - Caribbean, Spanish, African - that makes up authentic Cuban cuisine. It's spicy, yet not hot. Casual yet formal. It's tropical yet somewhat refined. Best of all, though, it's delicious.

But there is one characteristic to Cuban food that is prevalent. It's the tie that binds the Cuban. We Cubans may not always agree on everything - or anything for that matter - but our cuisine is our common bond. It reflects a point of unity in our culture that perhaps no other element can achieve. It joins generations. It joins ideologies. It joins religions and opinions.

From childhood we are exposed to a multitude of foods and recipes that are unique to our culture. As babies we didnt always get compotas, baby food, we got our malanguita and our potajes. Even if you were a finecky eater - as I was - your mom or grandmother or tias always had one Cuban dish that you loved. That one potaje o arroz con pollo or picadillo that you simply just devoured."
Babalu Blog
This makes me hungry


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