Monday, May 02, 2005

Soldiers Rescue Man Blackmailed into Suicide-Bombing Mission

"American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 1, 2005 – Task Force Baghdad soldiers this morning rescued a man apparently blackmailed into a suicide-bombing mission by terrorist master Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The man exploded his red Kia sedan roughly 15 feet from a barrier to a coalition base in east Baghdad, Iraq. The car bomb failed to detonate properly and the vehicle caught on fire. Soldiers manning the gate reacted quickly and saved the driver, coalition officials said in a release.

An initial investigation revealed that terrorists had kidnapped the driver's family and that he was forced to carry out this suicide-bombing mission to protect his wife and children, coalition officials said."
Also from Rantberg


Blogger William Duane said...

I would take this story with a healthy dose of scepticsm. Seems a little sketchy. And consider the source.

9:48 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

Well you don't think all the suicide bombers are in it for the virgins? Do you. You think they all go on their merry way out if piety? remember that kid in Palestine, and the one they used in Iraq, that right now I cant think of where exactly, but they were using the retarded, tricking them or offering stupid sums of money, after the act? Or as we have read lately that they don't tell the driver that they are driving the bomb, they tell him that they are transporting weapons and need a driver. Then they follow at a safe distance, and when the car gets to a check point, they detonate by remote. The poor guy in the car does not even know what hit him. At the same time today we have all them people being kidnapped. you just have to connect a few dots and you can draw a line right to this story. Now is it real, or as your seem to claim military propaganda? that I really don't know.

11:03 PM  
Blogger William Duane said...

I'm sure what you say has some validity to it regarding what you say about drivers being duped. I'm just saying the military DOES (No italics, sorry.) shovel out a lot of propaganda. This just sounds like on of those stories designed for the Clear-Channel crowd and the FOX-heads.

5:13 PM  
Blogger madtom said...

"I'm just saying the military DOES (No italics, sorry.) shovel out a lot of propaganda."

Would you happen to have any examples of that handy?
If you do please post some for comparison. The more we out it the harder it will be for them to spew.
Never underestimate the power of an informed public.

4:16 PM  
Blogger William Duane said...

After doing some research I think if this story is actually true, it is an anomoly.

I heard Bruce Hoffamn of Rand today on NPR and he said the vast majority of suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudi.

Remember the attack on the mess hall at Forward Operating Base Marez back in December? One of the biggest single day loses for our guys and it was a Saudi who did it. Hoffamn also mentioned the fact that the groups which recruit these guys make DVDs of the attacks and praise the bombers in them. They're not anonymous. They can be identified, which an NBC investigation did. They found "almost half of the so-called "martyrs"...came from Saudi Arabia. (

A denfencelink news release stated that a "senior Multinational Force Iraq official told reporters at an April 14 [2005] meeting with reporters in Baghdad [That] Foreign insurgents operating in Iraq seem to be coming from about 25 countries, the official noted. The majority, he observed, are from Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran." [Iran? Aren't they Shi'ias?That assertion sounds a little fishy. Hide the lie inside a truth.](

It doesn't look like they need to be dupping people into doing this sort of thing when young men from 25 different countries want to go fight the infidel in Iraq. Looks like they're having an better time of recruiting than the Army is.

Certainly, guarding the border of Iraq is a big joke. I know Bernard Kerik was over there being the Baghdad badass or whatever, but the border is still a sieve two years later.

By the way, the Saudis don't seem to be to vigilent on their border or all that inclined to stop their religious leaders from calling for all able-bodied men to go to Iraq. Sure cuts down on their domestic terrorism problem, though.

4:51 PM  
Blogger William Duane said...

"Would you happen to have any examples of that handy?"

We'll just forget about the WMD claims cooked up by the "Office of Special Plans" Cheney's back channel to the pentagon run by William Luti, a.k.a. "lviver North on steroids."

You're joking, right? Rummy is an entire propaganda office in himself and does the Jessica Lynch story ring any bells; all the grainy night vision video thoughtfully released to the media hours after the "rescue?"

How about the pentagon's new 24 hour agitprop channel in Iraq, Iraqiya?

Iraq's most watched show, an Iraqi version of "cops," is called ""Terrorism in the Hands of Justice." They interview suppossed terrorists who confess to their crimes on live T.V.

An article in the Boston Globe describes it like this:

"(The)...bruised, swollen faces and hunched shoulders of many of the suspects suggest that they have been beaten or tortured. The neat confessions of terrorist attacks at times fit together so seamlessly as to seem implausible. And the suspects are presented to the public without any legal process to protect them, presumed guilty, with no word about rule of law as a weapon in the arsenal against terrorism."

Here's the good part:

"U.S. officials have sidestepped questions about the program shown on Iraqiya, a network still run by the American contractor hired by occupation officials nearly a year ago."

Hmmm...but it's a contractor, not the pentagon. Very convenient. Now I see how it works. I think there might be a few other exaples of the pentagon sreading rhe bull.

See my post on this subject for more links and background, if you're interested.

6:19 PM  

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