Thursday, November 04, 2004


Why do they call them "red" states
"The market for farm exports from all sources to Cuba, he said, was estimated by U.S. sources at $700 million for 2002, although Cuban statistics were more generous, setting the amount at $1 billion, which he said includes transportation and other costs added to the basic product costs."

"Because of the cash-only conditions of trade, Kavulich said, "We can now say that Cuba is one of the safest export markets in the world for U.S. companies."

"He went on to say the Cuban American National Foundation, the largest organization of its type in the U.S. has agreed not to object to the plan, the Bush administration is considering it, and the council has reached out to both Republican and Democratic members of Congress."
I guess thats why
Does anyone have a good recipe for boiled frog?



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