Friday, December 28, 2007

So, what's happening?

"Aargh.. I'm going crazy. I miss college so very much.

Three break days followed Eid because our Eid and the Shia Eid were 2 days apart (a result of the so-called Iraqi freedom), and Christmas was right after the latter.
On Wednesday we went to college, I met two of my professors on the way to my classroom in the second floor, I greeted them and wished them Eid Mubarak and was accompanied by one of them to the second floor, then I met two of my classmates again greeting and etc. and up I went to the third floor.. I was faced by many boxes and a closed door. I was shocked and seriously thought I was dreaming (Where the hell is my classroom? :(( ).. then I realized I have mistakenly gone up an extra floor leading to the roof. As I went down I found my friends laughing out loud at me.. I was thrilled to go back to reality. Few minutes later, A, my classmate was seen making the same mistake..
The classmates I met at the junction between the stairs later told me that both they and the professor who I left at the second floor shouted that I was going the wrong way but I didn't hear them! In short, I was the joke of the day!"
A Star From Mosul


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